Introduction ============ Hello. .. py:function:: enumerate(sequence[, start=0]) Return an iterator that yields tuples of an index and an item of the *sequence*. (And so on.) .. Stuff you must know about: Agent, run, .. Stuff you should know about: asynchronous_iterate, parallel_iterate, run_daemon, context_free_diffusion, context_sensitive_diffusion, passive_diffusion, .. Halting Functions: make_stability_halting_function, make_instant_threshold_halt_function, make_threshold_time_halting_function, never_halt .. Analysis: activity, count_clusters, estimate_noise, swarm_from_clusters, write_swarm .. Stuff you could know about: generic_diffusion, generic_single_agent_diffusion, generic_single_agent_test, generic_test_phase, update_state, scalar_test_phase, synchronous_iterate, test_phase, ReadOnlyAgent The :py:func:`enumerate` function can be used for ... .. .. autofunction:: Standard ======== .. automodule:: sds.standard :members: Variants ======== .. automodule:: sds.variants :members: